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Editorial Policies 
Each faculty member in the College of Arts and Sciences may nominate  papers every semester for submission to the journal. Once the submissions have been collected, a review board, made up of faculty from across the College, will conduct blind reviews of the student work and recommend which submissions will be published. Faculty members should submit only the best student work and may ask for revisions from the student before it is nominated. The student, working with the faculty member, will be responsible for editing written submissions, including checking all documentation for accuracy.  

Guidelines for Submission 
Written submissions should have a maximum length of 12 pages (3000 words) and should be typed, double spaced, with one inch margins; this work should be submitted in hard copy and on disk in Word or WordPerfect format. Artwork must be scanned and presented both in hard copy and on disk. Please include the student name, course number and name, semester, and instructor on a cover sheet; use the title of the work for a header throughout (do not include the student or instructor name). Faculty should submit their nominations to Jim Wohlpart for consideration by the review board.  

Deadlines for Submissions 
Final versions of student work must be submitted by the posted date each semester;  please contact Jim Wohlpart for information.  

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© FGCU CAS 1998, Fort Myers, FL.
This is an official web page of Florida Gulf Coast University. 
Updated 9 January 1998.
Webmaster: Dr. Jim Wohlpart