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Use of the Restored Lake

This section will discuss the use of the lake once it is restored. First, some of the questions we asked in the survey had to do with what other types of recreation the lake was being used for besides fishing, or swimming in some instances. Along those same lines we asked what they had done on their last visit to Lake Trafford. We went further by asking why they had stopped using the lake if it had been a while since their last visit. Finally, we asked them what they thought would be different as far as recreational activities when the Lake is restored. All of these questions were asked so that we could get an understanding of what the lake is being used for now and compare it to any changes that might occur once the lake is restored. This is useful in examining whether the restoration will have an impact in the recreational use of the lake by the regular users as well as any potential users.

First, when we asked our population what other forms of recreational use the lake was being used for we got various responses. Although half of the population said they only used the lake for fishing 20% of them said they also used the lake for boating. Some of them said they used it for airboat riding, 13%, and a lot of them said they used it for sight seeing, 13%. A lot of other various responses accounted for 3% of the answers given among them was frog gigging, beer drinking, tours, birding, alligator hunting, photography, and even camping.

Secondly, when we asked what they did the last time they were at the lake we got similar answers. Most of them said they fished, 53%, the last time they were there, but others said they used it for airboat riding 18%, sight seeing, 3%. Looking at the animals, the water, admiring its beauty, and meditating all accounting for 3% of the responses.

Third, most of the population, 70%, didn’t apply to the question of why they had stopped using the lake because they were either regular users or didn’t use the lake (those who didn’t use the lake make up less than half of our population). The most frequent excuse given was not having any time accounting for 8% of our population and 3% said they haven’t gone back in a while because of the bad smell. Other various answers we received included don’t know 5%, no opportunity 5%, no reason 5%, no transportation 5%, and sold boat 3%.

Last, the most important question for this section is asking them what they though the restored lake would bring as far as new activities. The majority of them, 32%, thought that it would just bring more fishing and although 15% though that the restored lake wouldn’t bring any new activities, some of our population did give various other responses. Each accounting for 5% of the responses received our population believed a restored lake would bring more family activities, swimming, and water sports. Similarly, a lot of the other responses received accounted for 2%, among them were, education programs, pilot programs, eco tours, birding, and even making out on the lake from the younger people in our population.

In conclusion, the Immokalee area doesn’t consist of much as far as recreational activities are concerned, they do have the community park, but the only other source for recreational activities is Lake Trafford. It seems as though a lot of the people we surveyed did seem to think that the restoration would make a difference in the use of the lake, it mostly included more family activities. This would bring more people to Lake Trafford and in turn might serve in improving Immokalee’s economy. This would improve both their social and economical status proving very beneficial for all those involved. Even for those people who don’t use the lake for fishing, rather just for sight seeing, a restored lake would give them a much nicer view.

By: Laura Lopez